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Keywords: traditional hunting, modelling, agend-based modellling, archaeological landscapes

Research project: Modelling prehistoric hunting behaviour


Interdisciplinary joint project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

This three-year project, which started in 2021, aims to combine Archaeoinformatics and Indigenous Knowledge for a better understanding of hunter (gatherer) mobility in an uninhabited archaeological landscape in western Central Namibia. It takes advantage of a rare opportunity to trace the movements of indigenous tracking experts while hunting with traditional means (i.e. on foot without firearms, optical aides or hunting dogs) in a landscape rich of archaeological evidence.

The data collected on the field (GPS recorded tracks, velocity and caloric expenditure data, as well as qualitative information on decision-making) will be used to obtain unique insights into the wayfinding process as well as the physical constraints to human mobility during hunting. In turn, these insights will be used to model the hunting behaviour of prehistoric hunters.


More info: Aims and objectives

About our sister project IKAi
